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Projekt Lajfr na Visual Impact Party Training Course

Writer's picture: Lukáš RychetskýLukáš Rychetský

Jak velkou roli dokáže hrát vizuální facilitace při učení? Velkou! Nejen, že každý máme jiný styl učení ale současně nám vizuální reprezentace pomáhá věci lépe chápat a pamatovat si je. Tak jsme se sešli ve skupině 27 pracovníků s mládeží ve slovinské Břežici, kde jsme strávili 6 dní s tímto tématem. Osvojovali jsme si a zdokonalovali se v různých typech doprovodných vizuálech a každý si tak mohl vybrat, co je pro jeho práci relevantní a tomu se venovat. Věřím, že nově nabité zkušenosti posunou mé projekty zase o krok dál.

Ing.Lukáš Zajíček, MBA


I would like to share my experiences from the Visual Impact Party Training Course (

VIP TC ), held from 19. to 26 October in Brežice, a charming town in the Eastern part of

Slovenia. The course brought together 30 participants from over 10 countries and partner

organizations, making it a truly international experience.

The aim of the VIP TC was to learn about the basics of graphic facilitation and how to

simplify complex information, to enrich our visual vocabulary, to explore our own style or just

to simply create a safe space for sharing ideas. The whole week was mainly about practicing

and drawing since the work of a graphic facilitator involves capturing ideas, concepts and

discussions in a visual format to help a better understanding of the topics.

The best thing about this project was the competence of the facilitators as well as the

way the theory and new concepts were delivered. Everything was clear with a lot of

examples and even more practice. Firstly we had to go all the way to basics - simple shapes

like squares, triangles, circles - and we worked our way up to simple figures. The simplicity

in this case was the key so soon we were timing ourselves and competing amongst each

other for the best pictures.

Another highlight of the course were the people. Everyone brought their unique

perspective and there was a spirit of mutual respect and curiosity. We learned a lot about

other cultures, mainly from coffee breaks, which were hosted twice a day every time by a

different country. We shared our experiences, laughed and drew together and most

importantly we inspired each other.

All in all the VIP Training Course was a fantastic experience rich in new skills,

valuable information and wonderful friendships. It was a week of growth, creativity and


Ema Korbašová

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